The Templeton Foundation funded CES Transformation Grant scheme is pleased to announce the funding of 16 Research Projects and 4 Applied Working Groups.

The successful grants are listed below under the four themes of the grant scheme:


Variation in Creativity and Imagination

Cooperation and cumulative culture Principal Investigator: Alex Mesoudi

Exploratory learning in human adaptation Principal Investigator: Helen Taylor

Genome of melody Principal Investigator: Jan Hajic

How do people make and change rules? Principal Investigator: Sarah Mathew

How stories make us creative Principal Investigator: Wojciech Małecki


Cultural Influences on Access to ‘Reality’

Is generalizability to the Global South predictable? Principal Investigator: Anisha Singh

What do other men think about women’s empowerment? Principal Investigator: David Lawson


The Impact of Globalization on Cultures

Globalization and youth development Principal Investigator: Jessica McKenzie

Globalization, culture and well-being in Congo Principal Investigator: Adam Boyette

Globalization’s ethical implications on curricula Principal Investigator: Kisor Chakrabarti

People and birds working together – differently Principal Investigator: Jessica van der Wal


Applying Cultural Evolution to Enhance Global Human Futures

An innovation arms-race between parrots and humans? Principal Investigator: Lucy Aplin

Collective action and interdependence Principal Investigator: Nichola Raihani

Cultural evolution of conservation practices Principal Investigator: Thomas Currie

Institutional legacy and policy effectiveness Principal Investigator: Marco Fabbri

Traditional Luhya mourning rituals Principal Investigator: Stephen Asatsa

Cultural Evolution in Global Health Research Principal Investigator: Angela Obasi


Applied Working Groups

Culture as a tool Principal Investigator: Andrew Buskell

Hunter-Gatherer Education Principal Investigator: Jennifer Hays

Natural Resource Management Principal Investigator: Richard Berl

Sustainability Principal Investigator: Rebecca Koomen


Congratulations to all Principal Investigators and their teams! To find out more about this grant scheme and the successful projects, please visit the CES Transformation Fund website.