The Cultural Evolution Society (CES) offers its full support to the Stand Up For Science rallies in the US on March 7 2025. We stand in solidarity with all attempts across the world to protect scientific freedom from censorship and political interference, resist attempts to defund scientific activities and dismantle scientific infrastructures, and work towards equal opportunities for everyone to participate in and benefit from science. As a discipline, the field of cultural evolution has the explicit goal to study and understand cultural differences across the world and the sociocultural processes that generate such differences. As a society, CES is committed to fostering equality, diversity and inclusion amongst our members, providing opportunities to researchers from underrepresented regions and backgrounds. As such, recent attempts by the US administration and governments elsewhere to undermine, censor or defund these topics and initiatives go directly against our core values and scientific aims. As a culturally evolved set of practices and institutions, science is both immensely effective but also extremely fragile. We stand by our colleagues across the world who are fighting to protect it.